Easy Homemade Egg Yolk Pasta Dough

If you’re a pasta lover, you know that nothing compares to the taste and texture of homemade pasta. And if you’ve never tried making pasta from scratch before, there’s no better time like the present to start!

One of the most delicious and indulgent pasta dough recipes you can try is this homemade egg yolk pasta dough. It’s so easy to make, two – the finished dish usually ends up being richer and silkier and three – it’s super easy to customize for flavor and shapes! Plus homemade just makes this pesto crab pappardelle and this Thai basil & chili lo mein taste that much better!

This recipe uses a combination of eggs and tipo 00 flour for a super rich and silky pasta with a delicate, tender bite!

Why This Recipe Works

  • Tipo 00 pasta flour. It’s grain is much finer (similar to that of baby powder) compared to everyday all-purpose flour and typically ground from low-protein varieties of soft wheat which lends for delicate, almost pillowy, texture. Also, take note that tipo 00 flour can be ground from wheat with higher protein percentages – these are usually used in pizzas for the extra stability that the higher protein gives the dough. Opt for a tipo 00 pasta flour like this one.
  • This dough calls strictly for egg yolks along with some olive oil. The fat from the yolks further weakens gluten networks in the dough making the pasta even more tender while the proteins in the dough firm up once cooked to give some chew. Oil is fat too and reinforces the function of the egg yolks while also adding more flavor.
  • You don’t need a pasta roller! Because of the low-protein flour used for this recipe in addition to a higher ratio of fat from egg yolks and olive oil, this dough is easily stretched and rolled out – no need to get a pasta roller!

Other Tips & Substitutions

  • Although an equal amount of all purpose flour can be subbed in for the tipo 00 for this recipe, I do recommend getting tipo 00 for pasta because even with such a small change you’ll notice a big difference in the “bite” of your pasta.
  • With the combination of the delicate tipo 00 flour and the high volume of egg yolks, this dough is best used in recipes that don’t call for an extruded dough (such as macaroni or bucatini). For a dough suitable to run through an extruder, swap out tipo 00 flour for all purpose flour and add 6 TBSP of semolina flour. These changes will give your pasta the extra body it needs to keep its shape while running through an extruder.
  • Have fun with flavors! Like I said earlier this recipe is easy to customize. One of my favorite ways is adding in purées of fresh herbs like parsley or basil to complement the dish. Add half a cup of your favorite herb purée into your dough along with egg yolks for a flavor explosion!
  • Rinsing boiled pasta is crime! And so is discarding all of your pasta water. When boiled, the some of the starch from your pasta inevitably leaches out along with a little bit of flavor and the key to having a perfectly smooth, silky harmonious sauce! I always scoop out about 1-2 cups (depending on what I’m making) of pasta water before draining it. Then I’ll use the pasta water to help thin my sauce if needed to help coat all of my pasta and marry the sauce with the pasta.
  • Salt your pasta boiling water like the sea! Salt flavors your pasta in addition to helping to firm up the proteins.

Easy Homemade Egg Yolk Pasta Dough

This homemade egg yolk pasta dough is the most delicious and indulgent pasta dough recipes you can make plus its easy to make and customize!
Prep Time: 12 minutes
Cook Time: 3 minutes
Resting Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 45 minutes
Course: dinner, Main Course
Cuisine: American, Chinese, Italian
Keyword: from scratch pasta, homemade, homemade pasta, homemade pasta dough, pasta dough from scratch
Servings: 3 servings


  • 1 knife/dough cutter


  • 1 1/4 cup tipo 00 pasta flour
  • 9 large egg yolks
  • 1 TBSP olive oil
  • 3 TBSP water (plus more for boiling)
  • 2 1/2 TBSP salt for boiling
  • all-purpose flour for dusting


  • Add tipo 00 flour, egg yolks, olive oil and water in a mixer with a paddle attachment. Let mix on medium speed for about 2-3 minutes just until the dough comes together.
    If not using a mixer, alternatively, add tipo 00 flour to a clean work surface. Make a well in the center then add egg yolks, olive oil and water to center well, mixing with fingers and slowly bringing some flour from edges of well into egg yolk mixture. Do this until dough comes together
  • Remove dough from mixer (if using) and turn onto a floured work surface and knead until smooth (about 5 minutes). The dough is ready if it gently pulls back into place once stretched a little by hand.
  • Shape the dough into a ball, wrap in plastic wrap or cover with clean kitchen towel and let it rest for at least 30 minutes. If resting overnight refrigerate for up to 3 days and allow to come to room temperature before proceeding with next step
  • Cut the dough in 6-8 equal pieces and pass through your pasta roller (if using) at the number 6 setting.
    If not using a pasta roller, roll out to about 50 mm. The less pieces you cut the dough ball into, the longer your end noodle will be.
  • Using all-purpose flour, heavily dust both side of your pasta sheet. Then, following the longer edge, fold it over on itself in 4-6 inch increments.
  • Now, using a sharp, dry knife or dough cutter you can customize the shape of your pasta. Cutting in 1/4 inch strips for fettuccine, 1 inch strips for pappardelle or simply trimming it to the size of your casserole dish for lasagna!
  • To cook, add to boiling salted water and let boil for 2-3 minutes. If making lasagna, no boiling is needed for lasagna recipes as the pasta cooks while it bakes.
  • Enjoy immediately in your favorite recipes or store in the refrigerator in an airtight container overnight and cook within 24 hours.
Don’t be shy!Tag me on IG at @thestushkitchen & show off your cooking skills! I can’t wait to see what you cook up!

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